Joining the XPRIZE Carbon Capture Competition was an excellent opportunity for the ATRIUM team to showcase their ideas globally and collaborate with like-minded individuals and organizations. ATRIUM TEAM was excited to work on this challenge and looked forward to working with other innovators to find new ways to reduce CO2 emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Securing financing for their project has proven challenging for the ATRIUM team. The traditional funding options, like grants or government funding, were limited in the US, so the team explored other options to secure the necessary funds. ATRIUM decided to rely on private investors, venture capital firms, and sponsors.

The ATRIUM team completed initial theoretical research on their approach to capturing CO2 and generating sustainable biomass. They then transformed that initial research into an engineered solution that requires a test. Indeed, it will require extensive research and development to validate its claims and fully develop a commercially viable technology.

The ATRIUM team is now on a path to conducting a complete research and development (R&D) program to investigate technical and commercial feasibility further. This research will include laboratory testing, pilot scale demonstrations, and engineering design work to gather reliable data and information about their approach.

The results of the R&D program will be used to refine the technology, improve performance, and reduce costs. ATRIUM will also seek to establish strategic partnerships with industry leaders and other stakeholders to advance their technology and bring it to the market.

It will not be an easy path, but the team is determined to overcome any challenges and deliver a breakthrough technology that can help mitigate the effects of climate change by capturing and utilizing CO2 emissions.

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