Our vision is to create a planetary geoengineering model that allows us to advance on our way to space exploration. Our technology not only helps to remove excess CO2 from the air and create clean water, but it also has the potential to produce methane and oxygen, which are considered excellent for rocket fuels.
Additionally, our process is sustainable and environmentally friendly, reducing dependenc on traditional water sources and providing a source of feed for animal farms and fisheries.
Our team of engineers from various backgrounds has come together to create ATRIUM CDR to revolutionize sustainable CO2 removal technology, combat climate change, and generate valuable resources for a better future. We are bridging the gap between energy needs and the current technology capability of alternative energy sources by employing a circular economy model with a measurable economic and environmental upside.
We are honored to be part of the worldwide community of scientists, entrepreneurs, and concerned citizens who have united to compete in the XPRIZE for carbon capture, a pivotal force in harnessing humanity’s potential for combating the imminent threat of massive climate change.
We are dedicated to providing a sustainable and profitable source of energy that will meet the demands of our growing world while aggressively sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
The natural world inspires our efforts in bioremediation; Microorganisms, such as microalgae, are responsible for producing at least 50% of the oxygen on Earth. We aim to replicate nature’s efficiency by devising, designing, and testing variables to create a final product capable of reducing the costs associated with large-scale microalgae production, creating an accessible solution for combating climate change.
Carbon capture unlocks a set of possibilities to not only improve the environment but to also create new industries that will drive the progress of humanity towards a brighter future.
Helping global economies fix the climate crisis will be one of the most profound human achievements.